I Can Make That: Conversations with Creatives

E015: Becca Eutsler, It's Sew Becca

Becca Eutsler Episode 15

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Becca Eutsler from It's Sew Becca gives me some time during her busy homesteading / home schooling / business running / influencing life to talk about all the things! From dreamy photos to cottagecore style, Becca has it all. 

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Intro/Outro Music Credit:
Andrey Rossi - Seize the Day
License code: N3ZLKAXJAMCLPZ3Z

I'm Katy McKinley and you are listening to I can make that conversations with creatives I have been existing in a world of art sewing and other various forms of creativity my entire life. Along my crafty journey, I've collected quite the group of talented characters that I get to call my friends instead of keeping their wisdom and wit all to myself. I'm using this podcast to bring them to you. Behind every piece of art is a human being who went through a range of successes and failures in making and in life. And I'm here to share their stories. Welcome back to I can make that conversations with creatives. Today's guest is an absolute star. My girlfriends and I seriously talk about how incredible we think she is all the time. Not only is she a phenomenal sewist but she's also kind, thoughtful, goofy, gorgeous, and an amazing photographer. All the things, all the good things. I came to know her through the sewing community shocking I know it's kind of where all of my friends come from anymore. Her style and creative abilities have always stood out to me, and it's been such a joy to watch her grow and thrive in all aspects of life. Please join me in a warm welcome of Becca. Eutsler there. She is, the owner and designer behind black sheep fabric an online custom fabric store. And more recently, she is most known for being the face and talent behind It's So Becca on Instagram and Tik Tok, where she shares her cottagecore homesteading hobbit -esque style in the most unique way possible. Welcome to I can make that. Becca, I am so glad to be here. Thank you for all the compliments, geeze I wasn't expecting that hype me up. before we even begin to dig into the incredible images that have shot you into fame, let's first talk about your background and what led you to this point in life. What is your creative origin story? How did you get into sewing and creating? So it's actually kind of funny. About five or six years ago, my husband and I were living in the middle of nowhere. I was in college and we had been married for a few years. I was still doing photography, but just not as often. And he told me that I needed to get a hobby and I was like, I do have a hobby. And he said, Well, you need to do something else because you're always saying you're bored. And I, I tried a few things. I had crocheted and done knitting, but when I got pregnant, I decided I wanted to sew cloth diapers. So I started sewing cloth diapers for Rorick and he's my oldest son. And then it just kind of escalated from there. I started sewing and posting in cloth, diaper groups and selling. Do you remember those, you know, like where people would make stuff and sell 'em on Facebook like way back in the day. Yeah, it was a different world back then, it seems like. Yeah, way beyond that. I know. So like I would post in those groups where they would auction diapers and started doing that and then I had people asking me if I sewed clothes, I started sewing baby clothes and then started sewing adult clothing. And then of course I got in this strike sewing, which really took off and I sewed for a way too many groups and got way over whelmed but it was a lot of fun. you mentioned photography, and that was definitely a question I was going to ask you. Do you have a background in photography like how are you scoring all of these incredible shots that you take? I yes, I do. I started taking photos for people back maybe my sophomore year in high school. I was like almost 16 and I would take photos for seniors and then eventually started doing family portraits. And when I got out of high school, I did wedding photography. I worked with a photographer who did like conceptual fine art photography, and he kind of dabbled in like nude fine art, which was kind of fun. So we did that. And then I continued on during senior portraits and weddings until I had Rorick and once I had a baby, it got a lot more difficult to take photos of other people because I couldn't get away as often. But I have been doing it for, I guess, 13 years now. My gosh. Is there anyone that heavily influenced your creative journey or your photography journey? Is there someone that you know started you in that or did you just pick it up yourself? There's not anyone in particular. I started in high school like, do you remember MySpace days when you would hang out with your friends and like go take photos for your MySpace? That's kind of where it started. And then I got a DSLR, my boyfriend at the time, his parents had a pawnshop and I picked on up there for super cheap. It was like a Canon rebel, you know, the starter camera that most people had in high school. And I just fell in love with it and I continued doing it and upgrading equipment as I went. And of course, I don't want to share all of my photos from back then because some of them were bad, but it's all a learning curve. But yeah, just in high school, taking photos with my friends was really what kind of started it. My husband and I, we did photography for a little while there. There was an era of our life that we were photographers. Well, it was really his business. His name was on it, but I was doing all the editing and everything in the background. But we used to shoot, we, we did a couple of weddings and that's work. Wedding photography is a work. I know. Yes. It is so much work and I didn't realize how much went into it until I did one of my first weddings and I was there for probably 13 hours and I only charged them, I don't even know like 600 bucks for the whole thing. And I thought, I definitely need to be charging more because it is so much work. You hardly eat like you barely get to pee and there's just like so much to do. And then you come home with thousands of photos and there I mean, that's their biggest one of their biggest days of their life. And if you miss that important shot that it's just gone. So, yeah, you know, that it's very stressful. Wedding photography, it's very stressful, but it's also so much fun to get to know people's families and just, you know, watch their families evolve a ball. Because later I would get to do like their family photos and prior to their engagement. photos and you kind of build this relationship with them, which is really awesome, it is. It's it's a lot of work and you definitely do not charge your hourly rate. No, I did not. But I learned that quickly. Oh, yeah, for sure. It's it's a lot. I sometimes become one of the bridesmaids. I feel like when I'm shooting a wedding because I'm, like, helping, and you're not supposed to be capturing more. But I was helping, like, tie people into their dresses or like, and emergency hair fix or something. I don't know. It's it's a it's an experience. In itself It is really fun But again, yes, very stressful. I haven't done a wedding in I guess it's been about three years. I did a few after I had Rorick and then once I had Caspar and then Hildy, they were both NICU babies. And it was just too hard, you know, there is too much and not enough time. So I've stepped back from it for a while. Maybe I'll get back into it, but for now I'm just kind of sticking to the the self-portrait aspect of things. Well, let's talk a little bit about your business, too. You are the owner and designer behind Black Sheep Fabrics, which is an online based custom fabrics store. How did you get to the gig of being a custom fabric designer? I just kind of made my way into it, I suppose. You know, I did strikes for probably two years before I decided I wanted to start designing fabric of my own and a lot of the custom fabric, not every custom fabric group, but a lot of them were like Disney inspired or like licensed prints. And I kind of wanted to get away from that and add a little bit more whimsy and spookiness to it, which had been a lot of fun. I started like resourcing and looking for artists that I can hire to design my logo and to do the first couple of rounds for me. So I spent several months just preparing and then learning how to make seamless designs. And once I did that, I just went full force. Then asked a lot of my online, sewist friends if they would like to sew for me, and and then it just evolved from there. So I didn't really have anyone, you know, invite me and I just kind of made my way in, I guess. But it was really, really fun and it's been interesting. You know, the pandemic made the fabric, custom fabric world a lot different, but it has still been a big joy to my life. Well, yeah, because a lot of the fabrics are printed overseas too, as I'm sure when all of that mess happened with shipping and and everything, it probably really slowed down and and hurt the custom fabric world. Yes, absolutely. And, you know, 2020 was pretty good. And then 2021 when inflation happened and and there were still a lot of people dealing with COVID and people were out of jobs. There's that. There just wasn't as much business. So, you know, it kind of slowed down and then 20, 22 was even slower. But I see it picking back up, which is really a good thing since it slowed down last year. That's when I decided to start posting on social media for fun because I had more time than I normally would because the business was kind of slow. Well, yeah. You've recently become a superstar and the influencer world. what do you consider the niche that you're part of? Is it Cottagecore Elven homesteading? Like all of the above. I don't know what people would categorize me as. Like, you know, there's this little thing you can put on your Instagram that says like, describe yourself. And I just put a personal blog because it's just kind of like a conglomerate of things I do think I fit in with like a lot of the Cottagecore gals and then obviously the sewing community. And then yes, like I'm a big Lord of the Rings nerd, so I kind of fit in with all of the hobbit-y people too. So I don't know what they would call me. I'm just I'm just a big nerd. you have n't al ways been leaning that way in style, though. Can we can we talk about the journey that your style has taken throughout your life? Because oof, I see photos that you shared where you were kind of like an emo kid and when I met you your style was a lot more bold and vibrant Yeah. Yeah. So let's talk about the path that your that your style has taken and how you got here, I guess. Yeah. So, you know, middle school is when I first started wearing like black and I had these dicky like cutoff capris I would wear almost every day with like a little chain belt, my black hoodie you paint my fingernails black, even though, my dad told me I couldn't converse, you know, that whole thing. And then we went, you know, as time went on. I discovered, like, emo fashion, and that kind of got popular because before everyone called it like, punk, you know, and then emo style kind of came around. So I started like the crazy spiky hair and adding in a little bit more color as like scene stuff came into play when MySpace was super popular so like a lot of black but also like edgy. And then when I got out of high school, I tried to like still keep that edgy vibe but not look as, I don't know, not well-put-together, you know what I mean? But I feel like I probably shouldn't be wearing an Elmo backpack when I'm 20, so I just kind of mixed in my love for, like, edgy fashion with like more adult ish stuff. And then when I dis covered custom sewing like, there were so many bright fabric prints and I just kind of got into the whole rainbow everything for a while. And so I went with that and but I just, I don't know, after a few years, it didn't really feel like me, you know, I'd look in my wardrobe and feel like I didn't have anything to wear. So I tried a different styles post, a lot of it, but I actually tried, like Western clothing for like a year. I mean, that is a whole nother story, but but yeah, I even tried that and it was just not for me. And so I took a break from sewing And about nine months I didn't. sew anything. And then I started sewing with woven fabrics and like found all of these people on Instagram that had like the most beautiful, home steady outfits. You know, they had like their little aprons and all of their linen dresses. And I loved that. So I started making things similar. I don't know if you're familiar with the name in Gunny Sacks, but they were really popular in like the seventies and eighties, like prairie dresses. So I started first making a dress similar to that, and then it kind of escalated and I just started adding more ruffles to my wardrobe and more dresses and realized how much more comfortable and how much more of myself I felt if I was wearing something that made me feel pretty. Like when I put on a dress, I instantly felt like myself. And before, like I would put on a hoodie and I wouldn't really feel like me. Does that make sense of that weird? Yeah, it's probably weird, but that. Yeah, it's been really interesting. I have went through Many different style changes, just trying to find what felt like me. And you know, that might change. But for now, I feel like this is definitely a style I could stick with for most of my life, something that I could wear when I'm 80 and and still be like age appropriate, you know? But I'd still feel like myself. And it fits into the life that you lead a little bit too, because you are really into home steading and gardening and all that stuff. And I feel like those big aprons really come in handy when you're working out there. You live on a farm, is that right? Yes. Well, I mean, it technically is. How did you get into this farm life? So my husband and I got married eight years ago and we moved out here on 40 acres and this little bitty house and there is a barn here. But we didn't have any animals at first. And my mother in law and father in law actually built a house here, too. So we're kind of like a multi-generational farm now. but my mother in law had dairy goats, and so she brought them here. And my husband, he had been listening to books by Joe Salatin And I don't know if you're familiar with the name, but he's like more into self-sufficiency and like how to raise your own food and, you know, avoiding toxins and all of these things. So we decided that we wanted to start like raising our own pigs so we didn't have to buy pork from the store, raising our own meat chickens, raising our own chickens for eggs and just things like that. So it's been a slow progression, but over the last several years we've just been adding things to our farm. so we do have rabbits, we have chickens, we have dairy, goats, a lot of dairy goats and a lot of chickens for eggs. And yeah, it's been really cool to be able to raise our own food. And of course we garden too, so we don't really have to buy that much from the store anymore and we don't really eat a lot of processed foods, which is something we really wanted to do for our children. My husband is like constantly talking about wanting to have a more live off the land. Like the offbeat lifestyle off- grid Yeah. Yes. And not off beat off grid. Yes, Off beat maybe too. Yeah. But I mean, I grew up in the middle of nowhere and around farms. 4-H was part of my life and animals and honestly is I would probably be I would probably mold back into that pretty easily. But it it I mean I assuming you didn't grow up like that. So it's an interesting like life change to go from, you know, being a lot more focused on, I don't know, consumerism, I guess, and then definitely falling into the life that you're in now. Yeah. It it is so much different. Like, my grandma made a lot of things from scratch, you know, she made her own bread and she had a garden and whatnot. But my parents divorced when I was really young. And when my dad got remarried, we lived around St Louis and then we moved south in Missouri and we did live in the country, but I did not want to live there for one. And I always told my dad like, I'm going to live in the city. I absolutely don't want this lifestyle. Like I kind of wanted a career as a model. Maybe when I got older that didn't happen. But, you know, I did not want to live in the country and we we didn't have any animals like we try to garden one year and that did not work out so, just so much different. Like my parents didn't really make meals. It was usually my sister and I would make meals and it was like tacos, spaghetti and chili 90% of the time. And I don't know, we didn't do anything like I do here. I spent some time outside, but I just didn't have an appreciation for it. I really wanted to be somewhere else and I kind of carry that with me as an adult. When my husband and I got married, we moved out here. I just kept thinking like, I don't want to live here. I want to be somewhere else where there's more people and you know, a Walmart within an hour, like, I don't have any stores anywhere near me. but the last several years, like, I've really come to appreciate just having our own, you know, piece of land that I can raise my children and let them run outside without worrying about, you know, other people and just enjoying nature, going outside and finding mushrooms and identifying animals with my kids and just teaching them about the earth and how to garden. But yeah, it's definitely a lot different of a lifestyle that I grew up with, but I really appreciate it now as I've gotten older. you have three little ones at home and somehow you're doing all of this and looking as put together as possible. And I think you homeschool them, too. Is that right? Yes, I do. What are the biggest challenges with being this full time mom? Home schooling, work from home, you know, extravagant person. I don't know if it's extravagant. Sometimes I'm a hot mess, but I try. The main thing is just like trying to stick to a schedule. So, you know, we get up, they have playtime, then we do school, we eat lunch and go play outside. And just sticking to that schedule because if not, I'm not going to get everything done on my list. And to be honest, I don't always get things done on my list, but I do try to have goals that for myself for like the week. You know, if I have some things I have to, sew I will set a deadline like I need this done by Saturday. And, you know, I don't set myself down to have to do it on a particular day. Like I just do what I have to do with the kids, you know, do their homeschool and spend as much time with them as I can. And then everything else is just secondary, you know, because they're my main priority right now. They are reliant on me because they're still so young. but yeah, it is definitely just finding a balance with the fabric. I only get preorders in about once a month, so whenever I get it in, I just take one day, hustle through it all, get it all, pack cut shipped and get it out. So it's not too labor intensive there, but Yeah. And then with gardening, we just take the kids outside and they play in the garden. They eat green beans out of the, you know, whatever, every doing but it is definitely interesting. I, I don't know, I don't feel like I do that much stuff, but I guess I do too. Outside people walking. I think whenever you start to list out things that you do on a daily basis, you're like, Oh yeah, no, I, I do do, but I know. And I try really hard to not like set a super busy schedule because I want my kids to not feel like they have a limit on when things need to be done. And a little bit more freedom. I don't want them to have like the traditional school schedule, you know, I want us to be able to do different things, like to go on field trips and, you know, do cool stuff. Have any of your kids shown any interest in any of the endeavors that you're in like photography or sewing or have? Have you seen that they've got little creative sparks like you do? Yes. So Rorick is five. He's my oldest and he has been asking to learn how to sew. So I've let him just do some straight lines and we've been practicing a little. He doesn't have a ton of patience so it's just as long as he wants to sew I will let him. And I think that eventually he wants to sew clothes. He's been mentioning like I want to try to make that, but he's just not got the attention span yet to do it. But he loves to take photos. And any time he sees my camera out, which is very often he's like, Oh, can I use your camera? So I'll usually give him my camera and let him wander around and take some photos, which is probably risky because, you know, camera equipment is expensive, but it's okay. He loves to take photos and he has a little like point and shoot camera of his own and he'll take photos of leaves and acorns and, you know, other little stuff So it's been pretty cool to watch him grow and find his own interests. Now, Casper and Hildie are still pretty little, but we'll see. I hope so. I really hope to be able to make stuff with Hildie especially about any of my children if they want to make clothes. Like, I'm really looking forward to being able to teach them and to give them those skills so they can, you know, make clothes for themselves and their friends and their family someday day. Actually, I used to sew a little bit with Louis. He he's 12 now, so he doesn't care as much about he wants, you know, to go shopping more, then he wants to sew with me. But actually, yeah, I know what sad life that I had, but he, I think it was really great when he was little that he would help me sew A shirt for himself and then be able to wear it and feel that accomplishment of like start to finish creating something and then having that like functionality that goes with it too. Because I know a lot of people start their kids and it's fine, but they start their kids on things like pillowcases. And it's like, well, I mean, that's cool. But like, I don't know, for some reason, having the ability to make something and then wear it is just so much more All encompassing of like pride and joy. Yes. I love it. So keeps sewing with him hopefully get. Yes, I hope so. And you know, he's come into my office a few times and then like, hey, can we make a shirt? And so I'll just. Let him Pick out fabric and we'll make him a shirt. He'll sit on my lap and, like, I'll obviously use the foot pedal for the serger But we've been learning about, like, there's a knife on there, so you can't put your finger next to it. So he'll, like, keep us the end of the side and he wants to, like, pull it through. But no patient there. But we're working on, like, showing him what equipment we used, how to put things together. So I think there's a desire there and I just am continuing to nurture it. And hopefully he will want to do the same things that I do. Well, maybe one day we'll get to see him featured in some of your beautiful photos. Yep. With something he's made. I mean, when we seen pictures of the kids, but, like, yeah, I'm ready for this moment. Yeah, me too. And he's already talking about, like, his Halloween costume. Yeah, he said he wants to be Dracula, and I'm like, Honey, it is March. But he's like, Well, we need to make a costume. I need a cape. Just like Dracula. I'm like, All right. So I guess we're going to have a little Dracula come October. Well, that's exciting. Yeah. I love we we do the Halloween thing. too we plan it out, like, a year in advance? So I'm with him on this one. Yeah. how long does it take you to do a self-portrait session like you do? I mean, you have so many gorgeous angles and shots and and you're the one setting up the camera and then running back and taking a picture of yourself. So it's not like a quick pose and go, Yeah. so I've done a lot better at it. But there are times like if the lighting is off, if it's super bright or something outside, you know, that can be a little bit more challenging. But I would say it takes me between 30 to 45 minutes probably. I do have a wireless remote and I do try to like move around instead of just staying in the same position, you know. So all the photos aren't exactly the same. And when I first started, like taking strike photos, I would just do a few different poses, but in the same spot so I can get them done in about 5 minutes. But I've been trying to do a little bit more creative poses and I don't know, just doing what I love and making kind of artful pieces, some whimsical stuff in there. I used to do a lot of like conceptual self-portraits and photography for you, which I haven't done as much lately, but I'm glad I get to kind of mix my passions together. So my love sewing and my love for photography just get mashed together and have a baby. And then I have sewing photography. So, yeah, I don't know, about 45 minutes ish, somewhere in there. Well, speaking as someone who follows you almost to a stalking level like we appreciate that and I appreciate all of the photos and all of the time that you put in it. They say it is beautiful. Everything that you share is just so dreamy and just it shows that you've thought it out and you put a lot of art into it. Oh, thank you. You're too sweet I, I think some people think it's narcissistic, but I'm just trying to, you know, make art. And the Internet is full of a lot of haters. Now I get it. That's part of sharing your life or your joy or your anything online. It's it's part of being an influence.r Which it's I don't know if you consider yourself that, but I definitely would at this point. But it's like you put yourself out there because you have this excitement and you want to share, which is it totally something that should be welcomed with open arms, but people just are. Oh, there are a lot of negative Nancy's out there. I personally not capable of handling any me negativity coming my way like it impacts me greatly. But you seem to be pretty good at rolling with it, I think. Well, I just try not to be hateful back even when I want to, because you don't know what people are going through and maybe they are just having a bad day or maybe they're insecure. But I usually take it in a joking manner because they don't know me, they don't know my heart, and they don't know anything about me. And usually they're just getting on there and to get attention, you know. So sometimes I will make like joking videos. You may have seen some of those like my people calling me Amish. I've made some funny videos about that, but I just don't let it get to me because I know myself and I am comfortable with who I am now and I don't need their validation. So it's been interesting because if you would have asked me five years ago if somebody would have told me that I was ugly or that I looked terrible, or that my outfit terrible, like I would have probably cried for a week. And as I had started to wear what I'm comfortable in and what feels like myself, like, I have been more confident now than I ever have been in my life and I really just don't care what they think. People have really strong opinions about that influence or life, but it's it's just the world we live at now, you know, like that's it. Social media, it's just the part of the game. And I don't think most people understand that it really is almost a full time job to keep up with what you're doing, communicating with your followers, promoting properly your sponsors, just being accessible to people. What is it like being an influencer? Do you feel like this is a is is a second job or a third job for you? It is definitely a job. There is a lot that goes into it. And, you know, when I first started doing it, I was just making funny stuff mostly. And then once I started having people like send me products to advertise, I, I didn't realize how much goes into it. You know, I have some weeks where I would get two or three packages and then they want photos of their products. And so, you know, I'd have to sit down and schedule out all these photoshoots and then I have to make reels for all of these things and it is just a lot of work. And then of course, you deal with all of the the buttholes that tell you that you're terrible. Most of the time I don't get too many, but occasionally I will. So yeah, it is a big job, but it is also fun. As long as I try not to stress about it and just tell people that, you know, it's going to take me a couple of weeks. So I give myself time to enjoy the process and to make something beautiful out of the photo instead of just rushing it. But yeah, I never would have thought of myself as an influencer, but I guess that helped me. Maybe this was funny because I didn't expect my account to get to the size that it is. But I am so grateful that it is because I've met so many wonderful people, I'm sure. I think the cottagecore I guess I'm going to keep saying cottagecore as if I totally understand all of that. But it seems like if that community is like growing exponentially, like that's the new thing right now, that it's the style that everyone's kind of leaning towards. Yeah, yeah. I found it, you know, about two years ago and I feel a lot more, I guess, cottagecore influencers in the last year than I did, you know, two years ago. And I guess I'm one of those people that, you know, that kind of joined the Cottagecore world, but you just don't realize how many people have the same passions of you. And it's pretty cool because a lot of these people do the same things that I do. You know, they take their own photos and a lot of them make. Their own dresses forever, and if not, like still just all the work that goes into it. Like they can take a dress and make like the most beautiful videos and the most beautiful photos. And so it's just really cool to be able to be a part of like so many different real communities online. And you are releasing is sewing pattern and I'm so excited for you. Congratulation Thanks Yeah, I'm really excited. Yeah. By the time this airs, it will have been a released for a couple of weeks. So hopefully you're making tons of sales while this, I hope, ringing through people's ears. I'm crossing my fingers. I'm nervous. I don't know why I'm nervous. I mean, I've been tested, but I'm really looking forward to that. Yeah, you're making it's a pinafore and it's in a couple different sizes and it's pretty simple, sew but it's, it looks pretty adorable. Yea Thank you. It's just something that I've been wearing for over a year and I've had so many people ask me where the pattern is or where they can get one. And so I finally decided to make a pattern for other people, and hopefully they love it as much as I do because I'm literally wearing one right now. You know, it's a super easy sew and it's something that will hopefully stay in people's wardrobes for many, many years. Is this something you plan on doing more of in the future? Do you plan on designing more patterns? Yes, I hope so. We'll just see where life takes me. But I would love to release More similar patterns, maybe not more aprons, but some dress this and some kind of like history bounding stuff. So I want to mix in the Cottagecore style with like the historical aspect. And that's kind of where my love for fashion, but obviously I'm looking forward to watching what you do and how you grow as a person and as a business. So I'm rooting for you in everything. Are there any big, big hopes or dreams for you in terms of business or your personal life coming up just to be more self-sustainable? that's something, you know, my husband and I have been working on and I've noticed huge changes in the last few years. And so I hope we can continue to do that and maybe eventually get to the point where my husband can work from home, because right now he works a full time job and it would be nice to spend more time with him. But outside of my home life, yeah, just hopefully designing more patterns and maybe someday this is just way out there. But I would love to like actually have a clothing line. Maybe not when I'm sewing because I'm only one person, but you know, to design some clothing to be able to sell that could be manufactured, I think would be really, really cool. It would be amazing. And there are lots of companies out there that are capable of handling that for you. So yeah, I see it happening Becca It's coming. Well, thank you. We're going to put it out there. Hopefully, hopefully he get into existence. Yes, exactly. My final question for you, because I really like spreading the love to more creative individuals in our lives is. Do you have a favorite creative person that you're following on social media right now? Who makes you fangirl like we fangirl over you? I do. And I don't know if you know her name, but her name is Rachel Maxey, and she is actually one of the first people I started watching, like when I was starting to get into this kind of style. I found her on YouTube and then realized she was on Instagram too. But yeah. Rachel Maxey She is the best. She literally does everything like she paints everything. She sews everything she's been doing, like all kinds of renovations to her barn to make it her studio and it's just crazy. She is amazing. So like I definitely fangirl over her and also I've had her reply to me on Instagram before and I'm like, Oh my God, she recognized it look like not that she did it, but just really funny. So yeah, she's definitely been a huge inspiration to me because she can literally make anything look good and just make so many things out of nothing. And I'm so amazed by her. Well, Bec ca Please take us out by using this moment to tell us how to find you online so we can support you and your future endeavors. Yeah. So you can find my fabric group on Facebook at Black Sheep Fabrics. And I do have a website. It's black sheep fabrics preorder dot com and on Instagram it it's sew Becca and on and tick tock it it's sew Becca official because my original tick tock account got hacked it so you can find me there And then on Etsy it is shop it sew Becca and I will have my pattern available for purchase. on Etsy I will be sure to put all those links in the blog post that goes along with this so everyone can find you everywhere. And I am just looking forward to seeing everything that you do in the future. Yeah. Thank you so much for having me. This was so fun and I appreciate you talking to me and getting to share my life with all of you and a lot of fun. It's been great thank you so much. Thank you for tuning in to I can make that. Conversations with creatives. Transcripts from this episode, along with links and more information about today's guest can be found at W WW dot wild and wanderful dotcom. See you next time.

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